For Nugget we used a baby carrier and I felt so legit. Like a real foraging mother! Little One walked around and played with the dogs for bit. Eventually, she hunkered down next to Daddy and a bush full of berries and just ate as much as she could. Nugget got to taste a couple too, but I wanted most of the berries to make it home so we could make ice cream!
Here are the pics, ENJOY!
We met up with everyone at a gas station in some dinky little town so they could bring us to the best berry picking spot. Here is my lil sis and her daughter.
My sister's in-laws are the ones that planed the little trip. They are so funny and grew up in the area so they know the best spots.
Little One was ecstatic that they brought their dogs.
We only got a couple of hours of picking in before the kids decided it was time to go, but look at how many My Love got! And he was even the one that had to chase down Little One when she ran off. He is a berry picking machine. :)
This is Nugget's take-me-home-now-please face.
I know I don't look like it but I serious felt like a hunter gatherer. I guess it just confirms that I am such a city girl.
He was pulling up everything he could reach, he even got some berries. You can't see it but there are like a dozen plants and flowers that's got his hands on tucked down between me and him.
The berries were so ripe that they were bursting as we picked them. Emily's mother inlaw said it looked like we slaughtered a dog. I kinda wonder how she knows what that would look like.
On the way home the sunset was perfect. The picture does not do it justice.
A perfect end to a perfect day
But that's not the end to my story. Last night at about 9:30pm my sister-in-law came over to make Huckleberry ice cream. We didn't realize how long it would take because as a write this the ice cream maker is still running. Don't worry we stick it back in the freezer for a few hours every once in a while.
I snuck a taste (or seven), it is soOo delicious.
Any family members close by should drop in for a scoop. It will probably/hopefully be done soon.
Here are some things that happened, other than Huckleberry picking, the week.
That thing in Nugget's hand is a door stop and the chunk of drywall it was attached to. We tried to put him down for a nap at grandma's house, but he threw a temper tantrum and somehow got the whole thing detached. Needless to say, no more naps at grandma's house.
Little One got some new panties. She couldn't even wait until we got home to open them. Her favourite pair has a bunch of monkeys wearing shoes.
Did it work?